Tuesday 30 May 2017

Dangers Of Discrimination Following Marijuana Addiction Treatment

There’s no good in treating someone who went through cannabis addiction treatment as “damaged.” Labeling them as “addicts” or “wasted” can lead them to further ruin their life and become addicted more.
Unfortunately, there are more recovering individuals who are suffering from condemnation, discrimination and labeling after their marijuana addiction treatment. The negative stigma attached to them is real and they suffer from this once they immerse back into the society.

The Reality Of Discrimination

We often talk about the importance of support or building a support network. However, we often forgot that more than support, people in recovery are facing a more complex battle. They face discrimination  from the people who instead of giving support are adding pressure and stress to them.

Discrimination and Stereotypes

Discrimination may happen anywhere and may limit recovering individuals from receiving marijuana addiction treatment, employment or benefits. Some employers discriminate employees when they found out about their cannabis use. Some physicians may decline to treat patients with addiction history. Prents may receive a backlash from people for having a child struggling with addiction.

Understanding Recovering Individuals

Recovering individuals need support more than ever when dealing with their lives after their marijuana abuse treatment. Instead of treating addiction as a lifelong disease, view it as treatable. Today, more and more cannabis addiction treatment options are coming out to help them overcome addiction.

Treating recovering individuals as worthless or attaching a stigma to them will not help them in their battle. Understand that former drug users did not choose to become addicted. There are deeper reasons that led to their addiction.

Bear in mind that anyone can become addicted. Sometimes, they were victims of the circumstances. At times, they use it as a form of self-medication to cover their physical, mental and emotional pain.

Recovering individuals are the same as people who are not into drugs. They may become vulnerable or had made bad decisions in the past. However, there is always a chance to change, that’s why they entered the rehab to receive the treatment for marijuana abuse.

Instead of labeling or discriminating, show your support, love and care and you’ll see how recovering individuals can rebuild their lives. Marijuana addiction treatment is the first step towards their pursuit of change. So, stop hindering them from reaching their recovery goals.

If people around recovering individuals would be more compassionate and understanding, they will surely strive very hard to achieve sobriety. It’s not easy to fight addiction and stay sober. All they need is support from the people.

Stigma and discrimination can be reduced if the government will provide education and awareness to the society. Only through understanding and support that people with addiction can overcome  it effectively. Help stop discrimination for people who are trying to change their life. Treatment for marijuana addiction is recommended.